Current mood:
I went to the DMV (also known as Hell on Earth) first thing this morning. Even at exactly 8 AM (right when they open) they were busy. I took the CDL Class A endorsment test for hauling tankers. It took me longer to wait in line than it did to actually take the test. But good news, I did pass, and now I have both the Haz Mat and tanker endorsements. Now I can haul phosphate. This is great because it really opens a lot of opportunities for me. In fact, with both of these endorsements, I can be a suicide jockey. (Note: That's trucker CB slang for someone who hauls gasoline.)
I was so happy with passing my test that I made a trip to one of my favorite places, Home Depot. Since I am nearing the finishing stage of my electric cello project I needed some Wipe-On Polyurethane, brushes, and tack cloth. I was all out of poly since I used the last of it on one of Roxy's projects.
However, before I can even think of putting the laquer on, there are still a few things I need to do to the cello. This evening I put one of the wings on the cello. Pictures are on my myspace picture folder. Back when I was designing the cello I was worried about how I would get the wings in the exact place while glueing them. However, this was before I had a biscuit joiner, one of the greatest woodworking tools known to man. I used it, placed the biscuits in, and everything lined up perfectly on both sides. What a great tool.
So right now, I have the right wing glueing up. I'll give the wood glue 24 hours to dry before I glue up the left wing. Once it glues up I'll give it a full 48 hours to dry. Wood glue can take a while, but once it hardens up, it's stronger than the wood itself.
On my to do list I should really head over to one of the Pro Audio department at Guitar Center or Sam Ash. I'm not crazy about going there, but I do need some very small cords to run the electronics. Namely, I need an extension cord to run the microphone from the mic holder to the pre-amp. It needs to be 1/8 inch male on one end, and female on the other. For the pickup, I need a 1/16th male jack. Everything else I have. It's just those little things.
Overall, things went pretty well today. I think tommorrow will be pretty good too.
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