Sunday, February 27, 2011

Goin West

May 20, 2009

Current mood:contemplative

As the summer comes closer with every passing day, I can't help but think of my time spent out West.  It seems strange that my time spent at Philmont, New Mexico was really five years ago.  Sometimes it seems longer than that, and sometimes it seems like it was just last summer. 

Philmont is located in a great part of New Mexico.  It is forty miles or so from the border of Colorado.  It has the beauiful cannons and painted rock that you think of when you think of New Mexico.  But, it also has the mountains, ponderossa pines, and cottonwoods of Colorado.  It really has the best of everything.

I also loved the town of Cimarron.  It had that super small town atmosphere.  The town was realistically four street wide by five street long.  You could really walk around town, and it didn't take that long.  Maybe two or three hours, and that was visiting all the tourist spots along the way. 
When I was driving my semi-truck over the road my favorite place to drive was along Interstate 40, which is the new Route 66.  Out West, I-40 runs through Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and onward to California.  It's a straight shot to Los Angeles. 

Although my job said I could go to any of the lower forty-eight states I mainly seemed to pick up a load around Atlanta, then take it to the Los Angeles area.  Then I would pick up a load at one of the terminals in Los Angeles, and haul it back to Atlanta.  It worked out really well for me.

I had my favorite stops along that route.  I always tried to stop in Amarillo, Texas, the best town in Texas.  I always stopped at the Flying J in Albuquerque, New Mexico.  I loved the little American Indian shop in the nowhere town of Bluewater, Arizona.  I always dieseled up the truck in Bellemont, Arizona (exit 185.)  It was the only Pilot station for miles around.  In the middle of nowhere, this was one of the busyist Pilots I have ever seen.  Every time I went there, it was just packed.  If I didn't hit that one heading West, I'd hit the Pilot in Lake Havashu, Arizona (exit 9.)

If I had the money, I'll love to take a road trip/ vacation to the Grand Canyon with my girlfriend Roxy (not her real name.)  It's good when you know all the stops.  I think it would be lots of fun.  I would be okay with all that driving, but I wonder if she would be climbing the wall of the car after that many days of driving?  Maybe if we made a three to four week trip out of it.  That could have all sorts of possiblities.

As I sign off I will leave with my favorite picture of the town of Cimarron.  I took this one myself.

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