Saturday, June 1, 2019

Philmont 2019: Day 8, Sunrise, Base Camp, More Deer, Dead Shoes, and a Broken Guitar

A bunch has happened in the last two days here at Philmont.  Yesterday started off at 5:25 AM.  I woke up early to gather supplies from the warehouse.  While I was on my way, I took a few photos of the rising sun.

The warehouse where I pick up supplies is right in the middle of the camper's tent city.  I decided to take a few photos of tent city before the campers arrived.

Once I made it out to the edge of tent city I took a photo of the mountains to the West.

I made this joke on the Philmont Staff page.  I said:

What we tell the campers, "Go deep into the far reaches of the Ranch, and you might be able to see some deer."
What staffers tell other staffers, "Yeah, after breakfast when you head to the bathrooms, just look to your left  The deer are standing there."

If you notice the third from last photo, you'll see someone walking in the background.  That's how little the deer care about people here.

Later that day I gave my truck a good washing.  It had bugs from eight different states on the grill.  So it was time to get it washed.  Oh, I did buy a Philmont Scout Ranch license plate ring so the locals know I'm okay.  Even with the Florida plate.

The next day I decided to take a few photos in the morning when no one was around.  There's this neat bush that looks like some sort of cactus, but I'm not sure what it is.  It has these amazing flowers on it though.  So I took a few photos of it.

While taking photos of the cactus I noticed a brightly colored bird sit on the fence.  I was only able to take one photo since my camera had trouble focusing.  In all fairness, I was shooting from far away.  I was told that it is a Male House Finch.

Here are the flags over the dining hall.  There was no wind this morning so they were hanging down.

This is neat.  The Tooth of Time Traders has a "Sale Yurt!"  You are reading that correctly.  All the sale items are transferred to the Sale Yurt.

One of Philmont's greatest traditions, is that, if the Philmont wilderness destroys your boots, you toss them over the entrance gate.  And know this.  Philmont has destroyed a whole lot of boots.

Right beside the entrance gate are the side gates.

I just found out a few days ago that a giant elm one lived right beside my office in the Hardesty building.  Unfortunately, it fell over during a storm, and wrecked the building.  Now, the building has been repaired, but the elm was too far gone to save.  So here is a picture of the elm's stump.

I've also been playing luthier for all the staff.  A staff member named Ben brought me this guitar.  The back was coming off of it.  It also had a terrible warp to the neck.  Right now, I am gluing and clamping the guitar back together.  I know it's a Mexican Martin, but they really need to step up their inspection work before they let something with these kinds of problems out.

I'm going to make it right to the best of my ability, and with what tools I have here.  Honestly, it needs all the frets pulled, the fretboard radiused, and re-fretted.  But I'll do what I can to make the cowboy chords playable.

And finally, while walking around the other day I found a large feather.  Okay, it's probably a buzzard feather, but you know what?  It's a free feather.  So I put it in my hat.

I'm cool with it.  So that's been todays Adrian picture show.  I'll keep taking em', and posting every few days.  Take care.

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