Monday, June 3, 2019

Philmont 2019: Day 10, Training Day

Today was training day for all of the base camp staffers.  So I was up and early ready to start the day.  I got ready, and stepped out of the my dorm room door.  That's when I saw twelve deer standing outside of my door.  I'm not kidding.  I counted them.  There were twelve deer standing outside my door.

Now, I have been smart in carrying my camera everywhere.  So I immediately grabbed my camera and started taking photos.  I must have taken about fifty photos.  I pared it down a bit by deleting those that were out of focus or off center.  Here's what I took.

Here's the videos I took of the deer.

Here's one of the elm trees outside my office.  It looks like it has been hit by lightening, and has wind damage.  I feel like putting a few screws in it.

Here's my office the day after the hail storm.  Notice the hail is still piled up?

I've been asked when I'm going to post a few photos of myself.  So here you go.  They all turned out pretty good.  So I'm going to post them all.

Like I posted earlier, it was training day.  We sat through a few presentations at the Silver Sage Staff Activities Center.  After that we went into town to take a tour.  I, of course, snapped quite a few photos.

First up, the buses arrived at the Aztic (sic, on purpose) Mills Grain Mill.  If you look at the building it's spelled, "Aztic Mills."  But all the postings call it "Aztec Mills."  It's three stories tall, and that makes it the tallest building in Cimarron, NM.

This is the inside of the mill.  You actually have to walk downstairs to view the mill.  That actually gives it three stories plus a basement.

Next door is the former Masonic Temple and Courthouse.

Next door is an Antiques store.  I bought some pretty neat stuff from there.

I bought a Western shirt, and a draft horse horseshoe.  I'm going to hang it up in my office.

After that, I took some photos of the famous "St. James Hotel."  This is the where all the staffers go to drink.  At least they did back in 2004.

After that I went grave searching at Lucian Maxwell's House.

Here are photos of the Maxwell House in Cimarron.

Right on the property they were lucky enough to be able to have a working well.

After that we took the buses back to Philmont.  It was time for some ice cream.  But most importantly, it was time for a nap.  I've been running myself ragged, and I just couldn't stay awake anymore.  So I caught a nap before dinner.

After dinner I finished repairing Ben's guitar.  It turned out awesome.  I have to say once I repaired the back on it, as well as installed new strings on it, it sounded huge.  Even Ben couldn't believe it.

I also remembered that I should take a few photos of my office.  So here it is right now.  It's still a work in progress.

So that's been my day.  I think I could head to bed now.  But, at least I've taken care of everything that I could today.  There's still paperwork to do, and computer things that need straightened out, but overall a lot was accomplished today.

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