Friday, June 7, 2019

Philmont 2019: Day 14, One With Nature

As I walk or drive around Philmont I always see something that I want to take photos of.  Maybe it's something simple.  Sometimes it just something that I've never seen or am not used to.  Either way, I'm glad I have my digital camera with me.  Let's start the photo show!

First up, I saw these flowers growing outside the Ranger's office.  I just knew I had to snap a few photos of them.  I'm not sure if they're violets, but they are definitely violet in color.

Just like the last time I was here I've had my hiking boots branded with the Philmont brand.

I also had the branders burn the Zia symbol and the Philmont brand onto my Cajon.

Next, I found a rock.  So he's now my pet rock.  I've named him Rocko Baldelli.  Yes, I named him after the Tampa Bay Rays player, and the Minnesota Twins Manager.

As I was driving back from Cimarron I noticed a large herd of antelope.  I pulled over and started taking photos.  Once I got out of the truck they started running from me.  So I ended up really putting my camera to the test.  I found a giant wooden pole, and rested my camera on it.  Otherwise I couldn't have held still enough to take photos.  I ended up counting 21 antelope.

Here are three videos I took of the antelope.  Again, I was really pushing my camera to it's limit.  So please forgive the shaking.

Directly to my left was this "Santa Fe Trail" sign.  I thought it was pretty neat.

I took a few photos of the New Mexico skies.  These really capture how beautiful it is out here.

Next up are photos of the Ranch's horses.  I thought this pale horse was majestic.  So I took a few photos of her.

So that's my photos for the last two days.  I'd like to write more, but I am beyond tired.  So, more blog posts to come.  Just not for tonight.  Good night.

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