Sunday, June 2, 2019

Philmont 2019: Day 9, Part 1: About Three Bucks

I was gassing up at the Phillips 66 in the town of Cimarron, NM when I saw a woman point out into the field beside the gas station.  She was talking to a girl who looked about four years old.  Being curious as to what she was pointing at I looked around.  That's when I saw a whole herd of deer.

But the kicker was I saw something I had never see before in real life.  Three of them were bucks.  They were all in velvet, but dag gone it!  They were bucks!  Now, I have learned my life lesson about taking my camera everywhere with me.  So I was able to snap some amazing photos.  Here they are.

Say it with me... "Awe!!!!  It's Bambi!!!"

He's all like, "What's your name dear?"

"You can call me Scruffy."

This photo is worth about, "Three bucks."

On a sidenote, I've been hunting for thirty years.  I've seen a total of five (live) bucks in the woods during hunting season.  I've harvested two of them.  I have never, ever,.... ever, ever, ever in my life seen three bucks together.

Actually now that I think about it...  I've never seen three bucks together anywhere in the U.S. in or out of hunting season.  I'm so in awe, so in shock of taking this photo, I don't think it's hit me yet.

Luckily, I also have a movie selector on my camera.  So I took some film footage.  I apologize for the shaky camera.  I'll admit, I had buck fever.  It may not be hunting season, but I could barely hold it together.

I've taken a lot of photos of deer so far, and I'm sure someone will ask, "Will you ever get tired of taking photos of deer?  Aren't there other things you could concentrate on taking photos of?"

Well, that's the great thing about a digital camera.  I can take all the photos I want.  And I'll never get tired of taking photos of deer.  It's kind of like hunting, only this way I can shoot them with a camera lens.

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