Thursday, May 30, 2019

Philmont 2019: Day 6, Rockin Robbins, Bunnies, and Huge Moths

It's funny this year.  I've only left base camp once at Philmont.  I haven't gone to the back country yet.  Still, I'm seeing a lot of wildlife running/leaping/flying through the camp.

This morning I was driving to pick up supplies from the supply building when I saw a rabbit running the same direction as my truck.  It was a pretty good sized rabbit.  I'd guess it was 5-7 pounds.  It's ears where about six inches long.  I was told it was probably a jackrabbit.  Unfortunately, I didn't have my camera with me.  I'm sure I'm going to get a great shot of some of the rabbits around here.  Back in 2004 they were all over Tent City.

Here's what I was told.  Back then, a lot more campers smoked.  A lot of them smoked in their tents when they shouldn't have.  They would then drop the cigarette butts through the wooden platform the tents were sitting on.  The rabbits would then run under the platforms, and chew on the cigarette butts.

They made all sorts of jokes about the rabbits and their nicotine habit.  I don't know how much of that was true, but I do know I saw a lot of rabbits running from one tent to another in Tent City.  For clarity, the platforms were open underneath so it was really easy for the rabbits to run under them.

There are birds all over Philmont, but the bird that seems to be the most prevalent is the American Robin.  I've been trying to take a good photo of one for a few days.  I finally saw a Robin pulling a worm out of the ground, and eating it one morning.  Here are the photos I took:

Here's some movie footage I took.

Worms must be yummy if this Robin was going bonkers over this one.  There was some serious "Nom, Nom, Nomming" going on.

The previous day I had seen some baby chicks in a nest.  Again, I didn't have my camera with me.  But I vowed I would take photos of them the next day.  Here's the photo I took.

That is one empty nest.  I guess I was a day late, and a few birds short?  Thank you.  I'll be here all night.

My sister likes everything butterfly.  Oh, and moths.  My staff pointed this guy out to me so I took quite a few photos of him.  I sent all the photos to my sister, and she told me that this was a Male Polyphemus Moth.  It was cold so I was able to get really close to him.  I think I made my sister's day.

Okay, you have to admit, that's pretty awesome.  I know I'm not a professional photographer by any means, but that's really cool.  My sister sometime submits photos to butterfly forums and groups.  I think some of these are good enough to submit.  But, I may just be stroking my ego at the moment.  Still, I like these photos, and that's what counts.

It was a good day today.  There was lots of hard work, but goals were accomplished.  And I have to say, I've never been given such freedom to manage a crew or develop a program.  However, I think the bosses, and that means ALL the bosses are seeing immediate results.  It's been my experience that if bosses see improved or amazing results, they are happy with the end goal.

It reminds me of the old military saying, "Lead, follow, or get out of the way."  I think the bosses like the way I'm leading.  They like what I am getting accomplished.  So they are just standing out of the way, and letting me do it.  They realize they don't have to micromanage.  I'm taking care of anything and everything they want done.  Let's face it.  I'm making this really easy for them.  And trust me.  Bosses LOVE easy.  Bosses LOVE smooth.  Bosses LOVE to say, "That's one less headache for me."
And I have another thought.  I was told that this was going to be a thankless job.  But guess what?  I've had three people thank me in the last 24 hours.  I didn't know the one gentleman, but you can always tell from a person's attitude and the aura they expel, just how important they are.  This guy was pretty high up in the BSA.  He thanked me ever so much.  I made a joke that the bathroom now smelled pine fresh instead of like a deer in heat.  He thought that was pretty funny.

It's a lot of hard work, but I think everything will start to fall into place.  My staff (or Minions as I call them) have already taken the initiative.  But then again, they are learning from me, so they are learning to do this correctly.  I think after a week they are going to be able to walk into the showers/restrooms, and do everything without having to say a word.  They will immediately know what to do.  And if that happens, then I would like to thank myself.  (Okay, I had to stroke my ego one last time.)  Alright, now it's off to bed.

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