Sunday, June 9, 2019

Philmont 2019: Day 16, Mules, Patches, and Rocks

I have been insanely busy these last few days here at Philmont.  As I had posted earlier I was given use of a Kawasaki Mule.  It's an ATV/ Glorified Golf Cart.  I bought a small mirror from Family Dollar for it.  I attached it to the roll bar of the Mule so I would have a rearview mirror.  Here's what she looks like.

There are a lot of birds that make these mud type of nests.  I managed to take a photo of the nest, but momma bird flew off.  So I wasn't able to get a photo of her.  Still, here's the nest.  It's pretty impressive.

At the Tooth of Time Cantina (It's like a small conveince store that sells sodas and snacks) they have a huge map of the United States.  If you have a patch you can put one up there.  You can also put a pin in the map to show where you are from.

Since I have a large number of Greater Tampa Bay Area patches I posted one on the board.  Here's a photo of the board along with a close up of Florida.

After fifteen years I finally got around to buying a Philmont belt.  To make sure everyone knows it's mine and not someone else's, I had mine branded.  Remember, all these belts look the same so it's a good idea for yours to be marked.  Here's mine.

Yes, it is marked on the inside, but it's surrounded by writing on the outside.  I didn't want to ruin that.  I just wanted mine marked so it won't get "mixed up" with someone else's belt.

Finally, my pet rock, "Rocko Baldelli" has friends.  I now have a rock garden on my desk.  I wonder if I should find a small aquarium for them?  Or would that be overkill?

Alright.  That's enough for now.  Time for me to go to bed.  Good night.

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