Monday, May 27, 2019

Philmont 2019: Day 3, Getting Stuff Done

I'm finally starting to get my feet under me here at Philmont.  I had a few meetings with my staff.  I also sent them to their mandatory training.  After that I met with one of my bosses.  Long story short, I ended up creating a lot of signs for an upcoming project.

I also received a few more keys.  What helped me a lot was being introduced to Dave who used to hold my position.  He helped me out with upcoming planning.  Today the incoming staff check-in's were pure madness.  This was the day that most staffers arrived.  Tomorrow will be just as bad since that's when all the program councilors arrive.

Today was also the first day I traveled into town.  I picked up a few things for the shared bathroom, as well as, things for my office.  The manager at the Family Dollar was exceptionally nice to me.  He told me the town wouldn't exist without the Boy Scouts.

I made sure to take plenty of photos today.  I've pared them down to the best photos I took.  Let's take a look.

As you arrive to check in this statue greets incoming campers.

This is the bell that Rangers ring before meals.  They are famous for making up great stories that always end up with them singing the "I want to go back to Philmont" song.  This bell marks a lot of memories for many scouts.

There are these particular type of birds that live/fly all over the property.  I keep seeing them around.  I was finally able to snag a photo of one of them.

Here is a shot of the Tooth of Time Traders.

They've recently added some plants around the property.

As I was waiting for my boss I noticed a bird nest.  I had to take a few photos of it.

I was looking at this cactus when I noticed a small bird nest in it.  I saw a baby chick in there, but I couldn't get close enough to take a photo of it.  I mean, this was cactus after all.  I couldn't just shove a branch out of the way.

My Dad has asked me if the trees the mama owl was hanging out in were cottonwood trees.  I said I didn't know, but I would take photos of the trees.  So here they are.

We didn't have so much as a rain storm, as much as we had a dust storm.  When I went out to my truck today it was covered in dirt.

I'm going to wash it eventually, but it will probably rain before that.  I figure that might take off a lot of the dust.

So that was my day.  It was a lot of paperwork, and trying to find stuff out.  It was also important to keep out of the way of all the gals in the office.  They were a wee bit stressed with over 200 staff checking in today.

I am tired, and am going to go to bed early tonight.  I really know I need it.  But I'll keep taking photos and writing blogs.  Count on it.

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