Sunday, May 26, 2019

Philmont 2019: Day 2, Owls And Horses And Deer, Oh My!

Today I woke up, and thought, "Let me just carry my camera around.  You know, if anything happens."  And happen it did.

First I walked out to the parking lot.  On the edge of it is a small stream.  Beyond it are mountains and horses.  So I snapped a few photos.

I made my way across the street to the Philmont Training Center.  I had to attend a mandatory training seminar.  When I walked up to the front door of the assembly hall I noticed some deer just hanging around the building.  At first, I took photos from far away.  I walked up closer and closer hoping they wouldn't spook.  Guess what?  They never spooked.

I think the deer that was looking me down was the alpha buck of the group.  The deer were in the middle of losing their winter coats.  That's why they were so scruffy looking.

Next up, I was given a key to my office.  Here's what my office looks like.

I'm more than happy with it.  They said it would be the size of a broom closet, but it's more than big enough for me.  I'll be honest, I'm ecstatic with it.

Next up, it was late in the evening when I was talking to my Dad on the phone.  Out of nowhere I saw what I thought was an eagle flying across a field.  When it came closer I saw it had a flat face, so I changed my guess to an owl.

Again, I creeped up on it, and saw that it was indeed a Great Horned Owl.  It landed right in the middle of where other birds had their nests.  The other birds were going completely crazy.  They were taking shots at the owl, but the owl didn't care.

I had a hard time paring down the photos.  I took about 30 photos of the owl and edited it down to 16.  Make sure you notice the last photo.  One of the other birds is behind the owl ready to dive on it.  Wild, huh?

That owl just sat there for over half an hour.  He (or she) knew it was the apex predator of the land.  The owl was still there when I left.  Again, this is day two at Philmont, and I managed to take these photos.  That's the kind of life experience you can't buy.  This means I've got to keep my camera on me at all times.  Wow!

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