Monday, April 15, 2019

Springtime For Bluebirds... And Happiness! Part 2

Here's the first part of the story:

In my previous blog I was telling the story about how a pair of mated bluebirds had built a bird nest in my birdhouse.  Well, they ended up laying six eggs.

It's funny.  Even their eggs are blue.  But I digress.  Not too long afterwards the eggs began to hatch.

Like I said, there were six eggs, but only five of the eggs hatched.  The last photo was taken on March 31st, 2019.  A few days later I started taking daily photos of birds.

April 4th.

April 5th.  One of them has opened his eyes.

April 6th.  A lot more of their feathers came in, in just 24 hours.

April 7th.

April 8th.  They are really starting to be fully covered.

April 9th.  Out of nowhere they now have blue feathers.

April 10th.  Everyone's eyes are open and feathers are coming in nicely.

April 11th.

April 12th.  They are starting to look like adults.  Or at least, juveniles.  And this guy has decided to move off the main nest into the corner.  I figure it won't be long before they leave the nest.

April 13th.  Everyone is awake and looking good.

April 14th.  Oh my!  They have left the nest!  Except for Bob.  Bob doesn't want to move out.  I don't blame him.

April 15th.  And they have all left the nest.  (Tears.)

Wow.  That's the circle of life.  Actually it's the circle of life in just 16 days.  Can you believe they left the nest in just 16 days?  But like a circle, life never ends.  Bluebirds can have up to three clutches of eggs in the spring.  So they might be back to lay more eggs.  Not to mention I have four other birdhouses set up around the property.  They might move into one of those.  And if they do, I'll be there.  Oh, and so will my blog.

And speaking of blog posts, this is my 700th blog post.  I started writing back in April of 2008.  Here it is 11 years later and I am still writing.  If there's something happening and worth writing about, I'll be here typing it all out.

1 comment:

  1. I’m honored to have seen these in person! Thank you for sharing,
    Nature Appreciator Adrian:)

