Monday, March 11, 2019

Springtime For Bluebirds... And Happiness!

It's that time of year again.  The time of year the birds are in love.  That's right.  Springtime brings out the best of the birds and the bunnies.  As I have posted before, I have an old birdhouse that I put on the corner of the property.

Over the years I have mostly had Tufted Titmouse pairs take up residence in the spring.  Yes a Tufted Titmouse is a real bird for all of you laughing like Beavis.

One year I had a pair of Red Cardinals move in and lay eggs.  I was glad to see them, but by the time I noticed they had moved in, their chicks were grown.  Three days later they moved out.

I have to say my old birdhouse has held together over the years.  What's funny, is that, it's actually a parakeet house I bought from Pet Supermarket years ago.  I used oil enamel paint to seal the wood so it would protected in our Florida environment.

So this year the family was wondering if anyone would move in.  Also, if they did, who would move in?  Well, about a week ago we got our answer.  And like they say on the internet, "Pics or it didn't happen!"  So here's who moved in.

That my friends, are Eastern Bluebirds.

It seems like they are digging the new digs.  But will they lay eggs?  Let me answer that with another picture.

One egg, blue egg?  Am I Doctor Seuss?  Wait, there's more?

A few days later another egg appeared.  So let's check in a few days after that.

So now it's one egg, two egg, three egg, blue egg?

But really it was interesting to see how they went about nesting.  First, they removed all of the old nest.  Then, they built a completely new nest.  After that, they started laying an egg every other day.  The nest hasn't been checked in a few days so there might be a few more eggs waiting.

Bluebirds will lay anywhere from three to eight eggs, but can have more than one brood during the spring.  So we might have another brood of eggs laid after this one.

Here are some more fun photos of the bluebirds.

The following are my previous blog posts about my birdhouses.

Oh, and if you sang the title of this blog post to the Broadway play, "The Producers," you win.  For those who don't know what I'm talking about watch this.

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