Friday, August 2, 2019

Philmont 2019: Day 70, Cold Fish

The other day I heard a hilarious story out here.  There's an older man who works out here named Gene.  Gene has something like over 30 seasons of working at Philmont during the summers.  No one has near the amount of time spent here that Gene does.  As such, he has some pretty good tales.

And yes, Gene is pretty old.  His knees shake when he walks, or even stands.  He takes his time moseying around.  But let me tell ya, Gene is an awesome guy.  He's super friendly, and loves what he does.

This story goes back a few years.  It happened at Fish Camp.  Basically there was a Mormon Boy Scout who had a problem and didn't know what to do, so they called his medical problem in over the radio.

Basically, he had a boner, and it wouldn't go down.  Since he was Mormon he wasn't exactly told what to do in "emergencies" like this.  So the Camp Director called it in over the radio.  Gene just happened to be listening to the radio when this went down.

Gene got on the horn, and told the Camp Director, "Since you're at Fish camp, tell him (the Scout) to slap it with a cold fish.  That should take care of it."  And as you might imagine, everyone listening on the radio fell over laughing.

The lesson?  Never send a Mormon into the real world without teaching them basic sex education.

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