Thursday, February 14, 2019

When Ordering From China...

After many years I was starting to run out of hookup wire for all my guitars and guitar repair projects.  So it was time to purchase some new wire.  Normally I would go to Radio Shack, but they've closed all their stores near me.  I checked out Home Depot, but they generally sell really huge rolls of wire.

So I thought, "Well, let's check on E-bay."  So I did just that.  There were quite a few sellers from China selling AWG #22 braided copper wire.  It makes sense there are so many Chinese sellers.  The Chinese buy tons of America's recycled copper.  They take that old copper and make new copper wire out of it.

I found a seller with great reviews, and bought 30 meters of red wire, 30 meters of black wire, and 10 meters of green wire.  Here's what I received.

As you can see I received a package with the red, black, and green wire.  But if you notice it was not on a roll.  Anytime I've ever bought wire it is usually on a spool, but not this time.  The wire was exactly as described.  It was good quality, and I was able to use a bit of it on a few projects.  Again, great wire.  But I still needed it to be on spools.

So, back to E-bay.  I looked up and found spools, again, from China.  Here's what I received.

I have to say, they were exactly as pictured.  Now came the fun part.  Wrapping all that wire on the spools.  Let's fast forward half an hour.  Just for the record, untangling the wire took longer than wrapping it.

The red wire was my practice run.  My wrapping got better with the black wire.  I have to say I picked the perfect spools for this amount of wire.  So what's a guy to do?  Well, order more.  So I have 30 meters of white AWG #22 wire on the way.  I also have two more spools coming, one for the white and one for the green.  

So I'd say it was a 99% success.  In all fairness, they didn't say they would ship the wire on spools.  I only assumed they would.  But it was nothing that a separate order of spools couldn't fix.  So more are on the way, and this much wire will keep me ready to fix guitars for a long time.  

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