Sunday, July 29, 2018

The Worst Patient: Mr. Tough Guy

To completely understand this post, it may help to not only read one, but two of my previous posts.

This was written four months ago when I broke my hand.

The following post I wrote eight years ago.  In it, I talk about how even at a young age I would not cry in front of a woman despite feeling pain.

Now, onto the beginning of my new blog post.

I am the worst patient.  Not because I complain.  No, it's because I do the opposite.  You see, I broke my hand four months ago.  Normally it would be healed by now, but because I carry a genetic disease, (Dupuytren's Contracture Syndrome) I needed to go to physio-therapy to straighten the muscles and soft tissue in my hand.
Here's the Wiki page on Dupuytren's.

So I've been going to physio-therapy once a week to straighten out the muscles and tissue in my hand.  The therapist I am seeing (I'll call her PT so as not to print her real name) is gorgeous.  She's so nice, has huge blonde curls, and a tiny nose ring.  I won't post a picture of her, but imagine something like this.

This leads to the guy problem of never admitting you're in pain in front of a woman.  Our conversation goes something like this:

(PT bends my pinky back.  It hurts pretty good since it doesn't want to bend that way.)

PT:  I'm not hurting you am I?

Adrian:  Nah, I'm doing great!

PT:  Because it looked like you winced with pain.

Adrian:  No, I just thought I had to sneeze.

PT:  Because it's not supposed to hurt.  If it hurts it's not going to help you.

Adrian:  It's a little bit uncomfortable, but I wouldn't describe it as pain.

PT:  Well, let's not have it be uncomfortable either.

Adrian:  Tis but a flesh wound!

PT:  What?

Adrian:  You've never seen, "Monty Python and the Holy Grail?"

PT:  No, what is that?

Adrian, Well, pull up a chair and let me tell you all about it.

Seriously, I haven't acted this dorky around a beautiful woman since... middle school?  Yeah, this is totally a middle school crush.

Before anyone gets mad and thinks I'm bothering this poor gal, please note.  I have not said anything wrong, sexist, impolite, or uncomfortable.  I have not hit on her, or asked her out.  She is taken, and I respect that.  Like I said, it's just a bit of a crush.  (Cue the 80's middle school crush music!)

This situation reminds me of the movie "Spartacus" (The 1960 film.)  There's a scene in it where Spartacus has been wounded by a blow from a sword, and he is slowly bleeding out.  One of the veteran fighters tells him he has to seal the wound.  

That being done by inserting a sword in the burning coals of a fire until it glows red with unforgiving heat.  Then applying the sword to the wound to cauterize it.  Of course, to do it properly the veteran fighter had to hold it on the wound for five continuous seconds.

I have been burnt by hot metal before.  It's a pain like no one can prepare you for.  But the veteran has a plan for Spartacus to hold still for that long.  Instead of having four gladiators hold Spartacus down, he has one woman do it.  

This, of course, brings up the question, "How could one woman do what four gladiators could not?"  It's because a man won't cry, or yell in pain in front of a woman.  As I wrote in the blog from many years ago, I wouldn't cry in front of a female technician/nurse when I was eight years old.  Now-a-days as an adult, I won't admit pain in front of yet another female technician.  

So I realize I am going to have to be a little more honest with PT.  I am going to have to let her know that sometimes she bends my pinky back a little too far.  Sometimes my hand is a bit more tired than I let on.  But I won't tell her about my crush.  That I will keep secret.  (Except for posting it on the internet like a dork.)

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