Saturday, February 15, 2020

House Repair, Err, Actually Bird House Repair

A year and a half ago I put up a number of birdhouses around the property.  I've actually written quite a few blog posts about them.  I was really proud of the work I completed.  Not only did I customize them with "Squirrel Guards," I also made sure there were drainage holes for water.

And to absolutely make sure they would last, I painted them with enamel paint.  Next, I used enamel spray paint so the birdhouses would match the colors of an oak tree.  Honestly, I went all out for those houses.

So it made me pretty angry when I found the roof tore off of one.  Well I decided to do something about it.  I was going to make a new roof, but when I went to take the birdhouse down, I found the roof sitting inside the house.

Then, a Cuban Tree Frog jumped up out of the house, hitting me in face, causing me to fall off my ladder.  I really hurt my left toe falling.  But after I felt a little better, I took the birdhouse to my workshop.  I made sure to take lots of photos of the repair.  I'll explain my work as I show the photos.

So here's the birdhouse and roof on my bench.

It's not in that bad a shape.  The wood was a little warped, but other than that it's alright.  Let's take a peek inside to see if there's anything wrong with it.

No, it's just a little dirt.  I decided to use some "helping hands" in the form of clamps.  They held the top on while I nailed the roof down.

I found these awesome tiny white finish nails in one of Dad's parts buckets.  They were perfect for this job.

And here she is, as good as new.

Now it was time to put the birdhouse back on the pole.

Now that I've fixed the birdhouse I'm hoping to have a pair of birds nest in it this spring.  If not, I'm sure the Cuban Tree Frogs will hang out in there.  They will bide their time until I walk by, jumping with all their might, smacking me right on the forehead.  

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