Saturday, March 7, 2020

The Crow, Or... Adrian Ruins Wicca Again

On Facebook I follow a Wiccan Private Group.  It's more for shits and giggles than anything else.  Most of the posts are people dealing with tough things in their life, and want magical advice about it.  The problem I have is most people are all too willing to give magical advice, and not real "get it together" advice.  Honestly, it's mostly issues that people should talk to a therapist about.  Not get advice from uneducated amateurs on Facebook.

I've actually never posted on the Wiccan webpage, nor have I responded to a post until today.  I read a post that was in need of more practical advice than any post I have ever seen on the webpage.  Here's how it went.

Robin asked, "So, to question is a dumb question, so here is mine. 9 times out of 10 when I go out back (just right behind my apt.) I have this crow that seems to show up. Either on the lamp post, tree or ground very close to me making his noises.When I go in he leaves. Am I nuts or ??"

Okay, not a bad question.  The responses were less than stellar though.

Chris responded, "The crow is a messenger, but it also connects to many deities. Was there some specific event they happened before the Crow showed up the first time?"

I think Chris meant to say "that happened," and not "they happened."

Cheri also replied, "We have cross on campus at my school...I always feel very special when they visit me."


Mel said, "If you have recently lost a loved one it are thinking about a lost loved one more than usual recently it could well be a message from your loved one that they are watching over you! Crows are messenger from the spirits that have crossed ahead of you so don’t be alarmed instead pay closer attention to other signs you may think irrelevant and the message you are meant to receive will reveal itself to you. I follow Reet Psychic Medium she does live feeds and readings for free daily sometime twice daily and as long as you say please when asking for a reading she will read for you if your name draws her to you if she’s drawn to you and you don’t say please she won’t read! She’s a bit crass and very energetic but she has been spot on in the readings she’s done for me!!!"

Well, it sounds like Mel has consumed a few wine coolers, but okay.  I don't agree that the poster needs to visit an "Internet Psychic," but that's just me.

Michelle replied, "The crow represents higher purpose... higher knowledge..crows are also associated with alchemy and transformation , intelligence...stay tuned and tapped in to source..also a call to be fearless and audacious ..take that risk ..and to be flexible and adaptable 🖤

At least it appears Michelle opened a book.  Good for Michelle.  Again, I totally disagree with her, but I'm glad she bothered to crack a book.  

So what does "High and Mighty" Adrian have to say about this?

Adrian replied, "Someone has fed the crow, and it's learned that humans equal food. So when it sees you, it comes over for food. Remember, birdseed not bread."

(Adds tally mark to others.) 

Once again, I've ruined things for others.  Seriously, someone had to do it.  Crows are dang smart, and are one of the best animals on the planet for picking up learned abilities.  Someone had been feeding that crow, and it picked up that "humans equal food" really quickly.  

Think about what Robin originally said.  She steps out her apartment's back door and the crow shows up.  She goes back inside and it goes away.  Someone at that apartment complex has been feeding the crow.  It doesn't take a genius or a Wiccan genius to figure that out.  

When it comes down to it, I really hope I helped Robin out.  Actually, I hope I helped out some of the other posters.  Maybe they can think outside the metaphysical box?  Not everything requires a metaphysical solution.  And for those who have read this to the end, and thought I was going to write about the movie, "The Crow," I apologize.  

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