Friday, September 1, 2017

Tortoise or Snake?

We have a section of the yard called, "The Swamp."  When it rains here, and since it's Florida it rains often, this section of the yard floods.  Let's just say it's always pretty moist, and as such, it's tough for anything to take root.  So we've left it alone for years.

A few plants were planted in that section, and some have taken root.  But the funny thing, is that, a lot of ferns decided to make it their home.  In the end, there were ferns two feet tall all over the area.  However, it was decided that the ferns would have to go to let other things grow there.

So I took the weed-eater, and cleared out the ferns.  I was clearing around a pine tree when I suddenly lost gravity.  Yep, I started going down, and wasn't sure why.  Eventually I did stop.  That's when I realized I had stepped in a hole.  And I have to say it was a pretty good hole.

Let's take a peek at the beautiful photo I took of said hole.

I didn't clear away the pine needles from the hole as I didn't want to put my hand near it.  Although I did get close enough to put the yellow flags near it.  The reason I didn't want to put my hand near it is because of what is probably living there. 

It's either a Florida gopher tortoise (endangered and protected,) or a really large snake.  Here in Florida we have a number of large poisonous snakes.  Namely the Diamondback Rattlesnake and the Cottonmouth Moccasin.  Both have really bad attitudes.

So to put it this way, it could be this living down there.

Or this guy.

Either way, I'm not putting my hand near it.  I'm just going to leave the hole alone.  I'll just let the reptiles rent their space on the property.

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