Friday, February 21, 2020

The Most Ron Swanson Thing My Dad Ever Said

Everybody likes my dad.  Everyone gets along with my Dad.  He's just the most genuine and caring person I know.  He doesn't go out of his way to say anything rude about anyone or anything.  However, if someone is rude to him, my Dad just ignores them.  He just lets things slide off his back like water off a duck's feathers.

So it surprised me one day when my Dad blurted out the most Ron Swanson thing I had ever heard.  Well, from anyone but Ron Swanson.

For those that don't know, Ron Swanson is a character on the NBC show, "Parks and Rec."  Here's the Wiki description of him:

Ronald Ulysses Swanson is a fictional character portrayed by Nick Offerman from the situation comedy television series Parks and Recreation on NBC, created by Greg Daniels and Michael Schur. In the series, Ron is the director of the Parks and Recreation department of fictional town of Pawnee, Indiana, and the immediate superior of series protagonist Leslie Knope (Amy Poehler) until Knope's election to the Pawnee City Council at the end of Season 4. 

In demeanor, political philosophy and work ethic, Knope and Swanson are polar opposites: where Knope is sunny and outgoing, decidedly liberal and constantly working, Swanson is distant, and as a staunch libertarian, is a strong advocate for small government—stating his belief that government should be privatized—and therefore believes that the parks department should not even exist.

There are quite a few memes and web pages full of Ron Swanson quotes.  If the show was still in production I would suggest my Dad's quote to the good folks at NBC.  

So what did my Dad say?  Well, we were watching TV when the commercials came on.  The station had repeatedly shown Corona Beer commercials throughout the day.  For those who don't know, this is a Corona Beer.

Notice that it has a lime in it?  The commercial said the best way to enjoy a Corona was with a lime.  To which my Dad replied,

"If you have to put fruit in your beer, it's probably not a very good beer."  

I almost fell on the floor when I heard that.  It still cracks me up to this day.  That is the perfect Ron Swanson quote.  I can hear Nick Offerman's voice when I think about that quote.  

So that's your laugh for the day.  I hope it brings you a smile.  Of course, I'm sure the people over at Corona aren't laughing.  But then again, try to make a better beer.  You know, one that doesn't need fruit in it to taste okay.  

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