Friday, February 14, 2020

Bartender! My Personal Recipes For A White Russian Snowball And Toasted Almond Snowball

I'm one of "those" persons who likes to cook at home.  I actually enjoy having friends over and stuffing them with a ridiculous amount of food.  So you'd think I would be good at mixing alcoholic drinks and such.  Well, kinda.  I'm really good at making two kinds of mixed drinks.

You see, due to health and medications there is no way I should drink alcohol.  It's a recipe for disaster (pun intended.)  It's a real shame because I have created/adjusted a recipe for White Russians and Toasted Almonds that I love.  The people who I've made these drinks for absolutely love them.  Which kills me because I undeniably love a White Russian.

I had mentioned this subject on Facebook to my friend Kathy.  She asked me what I did differently to make a "White Russian" into what I call a "White Russian Snowball."  I went over step by step what I did, but I got to thinking.  Wouldn't it be much better if I made a blog post about it?  I could show photos of my step by step process.

So thanks to my dear friend Kathy I am sharing this recipe on my blog.  There is another reason I want to share this.  If you've read my blog you know I'm a woodworker.  What's made me a better woodworker is other artists' sharing what used to be called "Trade Secrets."

I had a violin luthier tell me one reason so many amazing violins were being made right now, was that, the internet had helped them share information.  If no one has to keep reinventing the wheel, then they can concentrate on other things.

So I gladly share this recipe so that others can use it.  Then, they can share it.  So let's start first with the "White Russian Snowball."

Let's start with the correct kind of glass you will need.  You will want to use a "Double Rocks Glass."  It's sometimes referred to as an Old Fashioned.  You will want one that is at minimum 12 ounces.

Now it's time to start adding alcohol.  Add one shot of vodka.  And remember folks, it doesn't have to be a high proof vodka.  80 proof is fine.  

The next step is to add one shot of Kahlua.  

After that add TWO shots of heavy whipping cream.  Of all the ingredients, this may be the most important.  Don't use regular milk.  Don't use half and half.  Don't use regular whipping cream.  You want HEAVY whipping cream.  And since I'm from Florida I absolutely use Publix brand heavy whipping cream.  Remember TWO shots!

You can start to see why I recommend a minimum of a 12 ounce glass.  So far you have four shots of liquid.  At 1.5 ounces per shot you are already up to 6 ounces.  Stir it around so that all the liquid is mixed.  Now comes the part to make it a "snowball."

You want to use crushed ice.  Some of you (like me) are lucky enough to have a refrigerator that has a crushed ice setting.  You want to use fine crushed ice.  The finer the better.  

Now what you want to do is pack that Double Rocks Glass with crushed ice.  I mean pack it like a snowball.  You were wondering when that term was going to pop up, huh?  Stir it as best you can.  It will be thick.  You are now the proud owner of a "White Russian Snowball."

(Sidenote:  I'm sure professional bartenders will tell me that I need to "shake a cocktail" if I am using ice in it.  I won't disagree with them, but I'll say I've never needed to do so for this drink.)

The good news, is that, alcohol has a lower freezing point than water.  So the ice will melt rather quickly.  The flavor will be smooth, flavorful, and creamy.  I like this because it feels like you get your moneys' worth from this drink.  The ice will all be melted by the time you are finished. 

I made one of these for my former girlfriend years ago.  Her response to it was, "Oh my!  This is dangerous!"  

I said, "Oh no!  I'm sorry!"

To which she replied, "No.  You don't get it.  This thing is so smooth and delicious that I'll have one, then two, then be on the floor.  You can't taste any biting alcohol at all.  This is dangerously good!"

I have to say I was rather proud of myself when she told me that.  That's when I knew I had a killer recipe on my hands.

So now let's go over how to make a "Toasted Almond Snowball."

A Toasted Almond isn't that different from a White Russian.  Really we are just trading the vodka out for Disaronno Amaretto.  Let's start from the beginning.

First up, let's grab our trusty Double Rocks/ Old Fashioned Glass (minimum 12 ounces.)

Next we pour one shot of Disaronno Amaretto into the glass.

Next we pour one shot of Kahlua into the glass.

Now we add our two shots of heavy whipping cream.

Now we stir our glass around some mixing up the liquids.  Next we pack the glass with crushed ice like a snowball.

If you really want to be fancy, and I completely suggest you do this, add a maraschino cherry to the glass.  Or add about four.  I love those things.  And if you really want to make it special, add some of the maraschino cherry juice to the Toasted Almond Snowball.  

Now stir the glass, and you have the ultimate "Toasted Almond Snowball."  Please enjoy, and please, please, please!!!!  Drink responsibly!!!  Remember each one of these drinks has two shots of alcohol in it.  

A 90 pound young woman might get white girl wasted after having, "Just two drinks."  Yeah, because she just consumed four shots in half an hour without realizing it.  So please drink responsibly.  

Again, please feel free to pass this recipe on.  As a history buff/major/graduate I believe in the sharing of information.  Also, as a history buff/major/graduate I am still mad about the destruction of the Library at Alexandria!!!  But it's that anger over the loss of information that propels me to share things.  It's one reason I write this blog.  

So please, if you are a bartender, or just feel like sharing drinks with friends, please try this recipe.  If you like it, please pass it on.  Take care and enjoy everyone.  

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